Remote Meter Panels

Archer Instruments manufactures several sizes and models of Remote Meter Panels for use in metering gaseous chemicals such as chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia. These Remote Meter Panels are commonly used in gas chlorination systems and gas dechlorination systems. Each Remote Meter Panel incorporates a graduated glass metering tube and float to provide operation personnel with clear visual indications of the gas feed rate.

Features & Models




Archer Instruments manufactures several sizes and models of Remote Meter Panels for use in metering gaseous chemicals such as chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia. These Remote Meter Panels are commonly used in gas chlorination systems and gas dechlorination systems. Each Remote Meter Panel incorporates a graduated glass metering tube and float to provide operation personnel with clear visual indications of the gas feed rate. Each Remote Meter Panel is also equipped with an adjustable-rate control valve to allow for simple manual adjustment to the gaseous chemical feed rate.

Remote Meter Panels are used in gas chlorination systems whenever the system incorporates automatic switchover between gas sources and/or whenever it is desired that operation personnel have the ability to monitor or adjust the chlorine feed rate at a location separate from the chlorine cylinders. The Remote Meter Panel is installed on a wall and can be connected to the other components of the chlorination system by means of flexible tubing or rigid PVC pipe. All Archer Instruments Remote Meter Panels five hundred pounds per day (ten kilograms per hour) or smaller are provided with female national pipe threaded connections and tubing connectors for use with flexible tubing. The MPA-1000C and MPA-2000C (for one thousand pounds per day and two thousand pounds per day respectively) are provided with one inch PVC socket connection schedule eighty unions.

Every Archer Instruments Remote Meter Panel is manufactured using all machined parts. No parts are injection molded. Only the best materials are used for each part.

Gas feed capacities for chlorine or sulfur dioxide gases are offered as low as four pounds per day (seventy-five grams per hour) and as high as two thousand pounds per day (forty kilograms per hour). Gas feed capacities for ammonia gas are offered as low as twelve pounds per day and as high as two hundred fifty pounds per day.

The Archer Instruments line of Remote Meter Panels includes a variety of designs. Several units are designed to allow for their direct attachment to the side of our Model SR9 Vacuum Regulator. Several designs allow for the rate valve assembly to be “plugged”, removing the ability to manually adjust the gas feed rate and limiting the remote meter panel’s use to being only a visual indication of the gas feed rate.

The MPA-10C, MPA-40C, and MPA-60C Remote Meter Panels are provided with glass metering tubes of more than three inches in length. The RMA6-10C, MPA6-10C, MPA6-25C, and MPA6-50C Remote Meter Panels are provided with glass metering tubes of more than 6” in length. The MPA-1000C and MPA-2000C Remote Meter Panels are provided with glass metering tubes of twelve inches in length.

Our most popular Remote Meter Panel is the MPA-10C. This model is equipped with a PVDF inlet plug, PVDF rate valve bonnet, and PVDF rate valve plug. The MPA-10C can be attached to the side of our Model SR9 vacuum regulator. For systems with more than one chlorine feed point, multiple units of the MPA-10C Remote Meter Panel can be directly coupled to one another so as to have one gas inlet common to all, while having independent gas outlets from each MPA-10C.

Part Numbers

RMA6- 10C

MPA6- 10C/25C/50C


MPA 10X- MPA 25X

MPA 1000C / 2000C

MPA – 40C

MPA – 60C



MP4 Remote Meter Panel

  • 3″+ Meter Tube Length
  • Offered for ranges up to 100 PPD (2 KG/HR)
  • Compact Design, Minimal Number of Parts
  • Innovative Rate Valve Design (for 25 PPD & below) – Smooth & Precise Manual Feed Control
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

MPA-10C Remote Meter Panel

  • 3″+ Meter Tube Length
  • Offered for ranges up to 100 PPD (2 KG/HR)
  • Innovative Rate Valve Design – Smooth & Precise Manual Feed Control
  • Multiple units able to be manifolded together
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

MPA-25C Remote Meter Panel

  • 3″+ Meter Tube Length
  • 250 PPD (5 KG/HR) Range
  • Innovative Rate Valve Design – Smooth & Precise Manual Feed Control
  • Multiple units able to be manifolded together
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

RMA6-10C Remote Meter Panel

  • 6″+ Meter Tube Length
  • Multiple units can be manifolded togethe
  • Offered for ranges up to 100 PPD (2 KG/HR)
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

MPA6-10C Remote Meter Panel

  • 6″+ Meter Tube Length
  • Offered for ranges up to 100 PPD (2 KG/HR)
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

MPA6-25C Remote Meter Panel

  • 6″+ Meter Tube Length
  • 250 PPD (5 KG/HR) Range
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

MPA6-50C Remote Meter Panel

  • 6″+ Meter Tube Length
  • 500 PPD (10 KG/HR) Range
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials

MP6 Remote Meter Panel

  • 3″+ Meter Tube Length
  • Offered for ranges up to 100 PPD (2 KG/HR)
  • Compact Design, Minimal Number of Parts
  • Innovative Rate Valve Design (for 25 PPD & below) – Smooth & Precise Manual Feed Control
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials
  • Can be directly attached to VR6 Vacuum Regulator

MPA-2000C Remote Meter Panel Instructions

  • 3″+ Meter Tube Length
  • Offered for ranges up to 100 PPD (2 KG/HR)
  • Compact Design, Minimal Number of Parts
  • Innovative Rate Valve Design (for 25 PPD & below) – Smooth & Precise Manual Feed Control
  • All-Machined Construction, Quality Materials
  • Can be directly attached to VR6 Vacuum Regulator

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